Wednesday, 25 January 2017 07:59

Neware Battery Cycler - Testing Examples - Driving Cycle Simulation

Driving Cycle Simulation

Driving cycle is most used for dynamometer test on fuel economy at different conditions. There are many driving schedules or driving cycles issued by various agencies or institutes. They are basically a speed table as a function of time, and there may be road slope taken into account. You can check the EPA (U.S. Environment Protection Agency) website for more: For those simulations for EV, you need to convert these speed output into the power consumption or regeneration of the energy storage installed on the vehicle.



1, Your driving cycle table should consist of a row of time, and another row of power or current. As conventional, positive stands for charge or regen, negative discharge. Your driving cycle file should also comply with this convention.
2, Now, choose a BTS 8000 type for this simulation test (BTS 8000 responses fast, and benefited from the multi current ranges, it has a better current or power accuracy over the whole scale). Click to choose a SIM step type. Click File path will launch a dialogue as below. You can choose sections of the file to be performed. And assign units to the 2 columns of the value, choose power mode or current. And also, you can use an integer as a multiplicator, this will multiply the column selected for power or current with the number you input.



3, Below graph goes the output performed by our BTS 8000



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